We have co-created our whole lives and with it, we consequently affect others because they are a part of our reality. We affect everyone around us, people, other living beings, nature, so it's very important that the manifestation is ethical.
Let's take a look at the following examples of unethical manifestation and who do we influence with it, with our conscious co-creation.
A kindergarten teacher is tired of all the work she has, tired of the big group, and tired of her personal life. So she says to herself: ''Oh, I open the window, and tomorrow there'll be 5 fewer kids in the kindergarten''. She can only think about it, it is not necessary for her to enter meditation and visualize it. And what happens? The next day, more than 5 children may be missing from the group. All of this affects a child that gets sick and has to take medicine and doesn't feel well, it affects the parents, etc.
My colleague Dasha said: ''Yesterday, I manifested myself finding €500 on the street, but I didn't''. Manifestation doesn't work: Dasha would like to get money without working for it. Besides, someone has to lose €500 which is very unethical.
Women like to manifest their partners. We fall in love with someone and then we manifest this ‘Michael’. By manifesting this particular Michael, we unethically and immorally interfere in somebody else's life. It is better to look at the qualities we want in our partner and then to manifest them.
We must never manifest a specific house that someone lives in and is not for sale because as a result we consequently affect other people.
One time I got an e-mail from Mrs. Tina that said: ''Dear Mrs. Iza, I attended your manifestation lecture and it was wonderful. And now I manifested that you and your husband Samo will lecture at my conference''. Mrs. Tina's manifestation is unethical because it interferes with my and my husband's life.
An extremely unethical manifestation I found online is: ''This Corona can last, I'm at home anyway and I get my paycheck, I'm doing just fine.'' This is unethical as this person creates the disease for everyone, including health care professionals, traders, and parents who can't go to work because they have to homeschool their children.
Examples of ethical manifestations:
I write a book that will inspire people.
I bake a cake that will bring joy to those who eat it.
My house is located in the woods near Ljubljana, it has 4 bedrooms, the living room overlooks an open meadow. Here, we don't manifest an exact house because it would affect other people.
My work in the kindergarten fulfills me, I have a great relationship with my co-workers, the kids are happy and they are motivated to participate in educational programs.
Mrs. Tina's manifestation should be: ‘’At my conference, I have the best lecturers who will present content that others are seeking’’. This manifestation is completely different and the end effect can be a very successful conference.
Sometimes, because of our own limitations, we manifest unethical things. We are blind and we think: as long as we're fine, everything is fine. The Law of the Universe makes sure that energies line up. Our intentions for creation, and everything we give, come back to us like a boomerang. We have to pay attention and every time something unpleasant happens to us, we should think if this is a boomerang flying back at us. Boomerangs are our greatest teachers because we probably won't make the same mistake again. In case we're looking outside ourselves for someone to blame for our mistakes, we can probably expect a heavier boomerang flying in.